Designer Fee


Builder’s Design Residential Fee

If your needs for a custom designed home do not require a full and extensive design package, our firm has developed a two step process where you can receive a quality designed home and all the construction documents necessary to construct your project.



To develop schematic designed plans and elevations. This step will provide you the best of our architectural creativity, with all your aesthetic visions. The designs will be presented to you in an 11x17 paper and pdf format for you review and comment.


What’s in a set of schematic plans?


             -Cover sheet


             -Introduction letter


             -Site plan (when applicable)


             -Floor plans






Why use this service:


             -You would like to visualize your new home first and find out


               the cost before a complete set of


               construction documents are prepared.


             - On schedule to complete your home design and build at a


                later date.


             - Prequalification for a construction loan and need to submit


               preliminary plans.



This step is considered the most essential part of the design process.   Design fee’s for only this step will be quoted on a per project bases.


Example of typical Schematic Design Plans,Elevations and Specs.
Download for review
Residential Conceptual Layout 2011.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [6.4 MB]


The next process will be the production of architectural construction documents. These drawings are prepared in CAD and will provide the drawings necessary for the construction of your new home. These drawings are also needed when you require a contractor to bid on your home. Once you have selected a contractor you may use these documents to obtain a building permit.


Our construction documents include:


Cover Sheet

The cover sheet may include renderings, or elevations of the exterior of the home. This sheet may also include an index to all the drawings of the document. The site plan at a small scale may include some detail to home and site relationship.


Foundation Plan and Details

This sheet shows the foundation layout of the perimeter and interior structural supports of the home. Details of the footings, slabs, walls, etc. may also be provided.


Floor Plans

These sheets show the layout of each floor of the home. All dimensions are provided for overall layout, and individual rooms. Fix features are indicated, such as plumbing fixtures, cabinets, fireplaces, and shelving. Doors and windows are keyed to details and schedules.


Exterior Elevations

Exterior elevations illustrate the front, rear, left and right sides of the home. Dimensions, and notes of necessary exterior building elements are provided.


Roof Plan

Overall layout of overhangs, ridges, valleys, and roof projections are all indicated. Roof pitches on all slopes are also provided.


Sections and Details

These sheets provide a view of the home in greater detail. The drawings show important areas in the home such as stairs, walls, joist, trusses, beams, and other structural elements. The details show how certain components come together and are constructed.


Electrical Plans

The electrical plan provide the locations of all outlets, switches, lights fixtures, and many other electrical fixtures.




Standard fee for Architectural schematic design drawings and construction documents: $3.50 per square foot under roof.


All area calculations are under roof. This includes covered porches, balconies, garages (attached and detached), gazebos, pool cabanas, storage areas, outdoor kitchens, attached covered decks, attached uncovered decks and building overhangs. Areas not included are open patios, walkways and driveways.



After two revisions are made on the documents, there will be and additional fee based on how extensive the changes to the drawings may be.


Example of Typical Construction Documents (Sheets may vary in content and number)
Download for Review
Residential Construction Documents-2011.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [23.8 MB]